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Saturday, 30 June 2012

Food preservation

The basic idea behind all forms of food preservation is either:
  • ·         To slow down the activity of disease-causing bacteria
  • ·         To kill the bacteria altogether

I­n certain cases, a preservation technique may also destroy enzymes naturally found in a food that cause it to spoil or discolor quickly. An enzyme is a special protein that acts as a catalyst for a chemical reaction, and enzymes are fairly fragile. By increasing the temperature of food to about 150 degrees Fahrenheit (66 degrees Celsius), enzymes are destroyed. A food that is sterile contains no bacteria. Unless sterilized and sealed, all food contains bacteria. 

Different techniques used for preservation.

Refrigeration and Freezing

 In the case of refrigeration, the idea is to slow bacterial action to a crawl so that it takes food much longer  to spoil. In the case of freezing, the idea is to stop bacterial action altogether. Frozen bacteria are completely inactive.
Refrigeration and freezing are used on almost all foods: meats, fruits, vegetables, beverages, etc. In general, refrigeration has no effect on a food's taste or texture. Freezing has no effect on the taste or texture of most meats, has minimal effects on vegetables, but often completely changes fruits (which become mushy). Refrigeration's minimal effects account for its wide popularity.
Canning Food
 In canning, you boil the food in the can to kill all the bacteria and seal the can (either before or while the food is boiling) to prevent any new bacteria from getting in. We generally think of "cans" as being metal, but any sealable container can serve as a can. One problem with canning, and the reason why refrigeration or freezing is preferred to canning, is that the act of boiling food in the can generally changes its taste and texture (as well as its nutritional content).

Dehydrating Food 

Water content in the food is removed. Since most bacteria die or become completely inactive when dried, dried foods kept in air-tight containers can last quite a long time. e.g.
·         Powdered milk
·         Dried fruits and vegetables
·         Powdered soups and sauces
·         Pasta
·         Instant rice
Normally, drying completely alters the taste and texture of the food.

Freeze-drying is a special form of drying that removes all moisture and tends to have less of an effect on a food's taste than normal dehydration does.
In freeze-drying, food is frozen and placed in a strong vacuum. The water in the food then sublimates -- that is, it turns straight from ice into vapor. Freeze-drying is most commonly used to make instant coffee, but also works extremely well on fruits such as apples.

Salting and Pickling
Salting, especially of meat, is an ancient preservation technique. The salt draws out moisture and creates an environment inhospitable to bacteria. If salted in cold weather (so that the meat does not spoil while the salt has time to take effect), salted meat can last for years.
Pickling was widely used to preserve meats, fruits and vegetables in the past, but today is used almost exclusively to produce "pickles,". Pickling uses the preservative qualities of salt (see above) combined with the preservative qualities of acid, such as acetic acid (vinegar). Acid environments inhibit bacteria.

Pasteurizing, Fermenting, Carbonating
It involves heating the food to a high enough temperature to kill certain (but not all) bacteria and to disable certain enzymes, and in return you are minimizing the effects on taste as much as you can. Commonly pasteurized foods include milk, ice cream, fruit juices.

Fermentation uses bacteria like yeast to produce alcohol. Alcohol is a good preservative because it kills bacteria. When you ferment grape juice you create wine, which will last quite a long time (decades if necessary) without refrigeration.
Carbonated water is water in which carbon dioxide gas has been dissolved under pressure. By eliminating oxygen, carbonated water inhibits bacterial growth. Carbonated beverages (soft drinks) therefore contain a natural preservative.

Chemical Food Preservation
There are three classes of chemical preservatives commonly used in foods:
·         Benzoates (such as sodium benzoate)
·         Nitrites (such as sodium nitrite)
·         Sulphites (such as sulphur dioxide)
Another common preservative is sorbic acid. All of these chemicals either inhibit the activity of bacteria or kill the bacteria.
Food Irradiation
Nuclear radiation is able to kill bacteria without significantly changing the food containing the bacteria. So if you seal food in plastic and then radiate it, the food will become sterile and can be stored on a shelf without refrigeration. Unlike canning, however, you do not significantly change the taste or texture of the food when you irradiate it.

Applied/Everyday science

There is an increasing weightage in paper 2 on questions from applied/everyday science. From now onwards, we'll try to cover few application that we come accross. Please suggest if you find any other application important for exam...


probiotic vs prebiotic

Prebiotics are a very special form of dietary fiber.Probiotics are living bacteria intended to benefit colon health.
Prebiotic Fiber is not affected by heat, cold, acid or time.Probiotics must be kept alive to create health benefits. They can be killed by heat, acid or simply the passage of time.
Prebiotics nourish the thousands of good bacterial species already living in the colon.Probiotics contain from one to a few species of bacteria which are added to the colon when they are ingested (eaten).
Prebiotic Fiber is a naturally-occurring substance, found in thousands of plant species (though mostly in very small amounts). Found in fruits, vegetables, grains.Probiotics occur naturally in fermented foods like yogurt or Curd. Some companies have also engineered “proprietary” bacteria which they have patented and promote.
Prebiotics foster an environment in the colon which is hostile to bad bacteria.Probiotics may impact bad bacteria by crowding them out.

Both Prebiotics and Probiotics must be ingested in sufficient quantity to have an impact, and dietarily speaking both should not carry an excessive “load” of sugar, calories, carbs, etc. out of proportion to their benefit.

ET in classroom: Libor Lessons

What is Libor? 

Devised in the 1980s, the London interbank offered rate(Libor) is supposed to be a trusty financial yardstick measuring the cost incurred when banks borrow from each other across 10 major currencies and 15 borrowing periods, ranging from overnight loans to 12-month loans. Set each day, it affects the cost of everything from business-account overdrafts to credit cards to mortgages. 


Well, banks set their own Libor, and each day tell a central entity how much interest they estimate they would have to pay on such loans. 

That entity then eliminates some of the lowest and highest submissions and calculates an average from the remainder. Eighteen banks currently supply data for setting dollardenominated Libor. 

According to regulators, Barclays traders sought to skew Libor to benefit their bets. While it might be hard for one bank among many to influence Libor, regulators felt Barclays was sometimes able to do so. 

At least 12 banks are involved in the investigations around the world: the Barclays fines may herald similar penalties for other lenders. 


Indian corporates who borrow based on Libor need not worry. 

A benchmark will remain at all times since more than $350 trillion worth securities trade with Libor as benchmark. UK regulators working to fix the imbalances. 


Alternative benchmarks could evolve overtime. Even if someone wants not to benchmark against Libor, they could choose 10 year US treasuries, or other such liquid securitied.

Friday, 29 June 2012

India Design Council

India Design Council - an autonomous body, established by the Government of India, functioning under the aegis of Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion, Ministry of Commerce & Industry. It grants India Design Mark, which recognizes and evaluates good design through a systemized process. It constitutes the India Design Mark logo that reflects the virtues of good design, which can be used as a symbol of distinguished excellence of the product.

India Design Mark is a design standard. It is not a contest. It is a certification of design excellence. It is granted to an applicant after following a diligent evaluation process aimed at identifying good design that exceeds the prescribed criteria of evaluation.

Wireless vortex beams

American and Israeli researchers have used twisted vortex beams to transmit data at 2.5 terabits per second. As far as we can discern, this is the fastest wireless network ever created — by some margin. This technique is likely to be used in the next few years to vastly increase the throughput of both wireless and fiber-optic networks.
These twisted signals use orbital angular momentum (OAM) to cram much more data into a single stream. In current state-of-the-art transmission protocols (WiFi, LTE, COFDM), we only modulate the spin angular momentum (SAM) of radio waves, not the OAM.
SAM differs from OAM in the same way that the Earth's spin differs from its orbit around our Sun -- imagine SAM as a spinning planet and think of OAM as the orbit of that spinning planet as it travels around a star.
Just as the rotational speed of SAM can be used to represent different numbers (i.e. data represented by the number of spins per second), the tightness of spirals produced by OAM can also represent numbers (faster the twist, tighter the spiral). Ultimately, researchers have managed to simultaneously utilize both SAM and OAM to represent data with light, giving them tremendous potential to represent huge ranges of information and deliver it at light speed.

Thursday, 28 June 2012

Artificial neural network (Artificial brain)

  • Our Biological neural networks are made up of real biological neurons that are connected or functionally related in a nervous system
  • Artificial neural networks are composed of interconnecting artificial neurons (programming constructs that mimic the properties of biological neurons).
  •  Artificial neural networks may either be used to gain an understanding of biological neural networks, or for solving artificial intelligence problems without necessarily creating a model of a real biological system.
  • Google engineers claim they've designed a computer network capable of analyzing, categorizing and ultimately teaching itself to recognize the content of images. The "neural network" was fed 10 million images from YouTube video thumbnails and -- without being told how -- created its own concept of what a cat is.

RBI warns against worsening risks to financial stability - Indian Express

RBI warns against worsening risks to financial stability - Indian Express

Govt plans to use NAMC to buy stakes in PSUs - Indian Express

Govt plans to use NAMC to buy stakes in PSUs - Indian Express

Issue of Petrol-ethanol blending in India

Bioethanol is a form of renewable energy that can be produced from agricultural feedstocks. It can be made from very common crops such as sugar cane, potato, manioc and corn through fermentation, distillation and dehydration techniques.

Advantages of Using Ethanol as fuel-

1.   Dependence on imported Oil reduces.
2.   increased domestic ethanol production would also create more jobs
3.   Ethanol burns cleaner than gasoline(petrol) meaning less greenhouse gas emissions are emitted.
4.   Adding ethanol to gasoline in lower percentages, such as 10 percent ethanol and 90 percent gasoline (E10), reduces carbon monoxide emissions from the gasoline 


1.   Food security- With higher production of ethanol there will be increased cost of food prices and food shortages because much of the arable land would be used for ethanol production instead to produce food.
2.   Ethanol tends to be very corrosive because it can easily absorb water and dirt and without the proper filtration system ethanol can soon cause the corrosion inside the engine block.
3.   Ethanol has 34% lower energy per unit volume compared to gasoline, hence greater amount of ethanol needed to travel the same distance.

Petrol-ethanol blending in India

In India, a large proportion of available ethanol comes as a byproduct from cane molasses during sugar production. Thus ethanol production is less likely to reduce food security. Instead it would lead to better returns for sugar cane farmers and consequently better sugarcane and sugar production. India is the second largest sugarcane and sugar producer in the world, after Brazil. In Brazil, blending is mandatory up to 25 per cent of ethanol with petrol.

In January 2003, the government decides for a 5-percent ethanol blend in gasoline through its ambitious Ethanol Blending Program (EBP).
The government mandated 5 per cent blending in September 2006; raised the level to 10 per cent in October 2007; and made such blending compulsory in October 2008. Further, in 2008, the Cabinet approved the National Policy on Biofuel, which envisaged blending of biofuels with petrol and diesel to a level of 20 per cent by 2017.

The oil marketing companies have failed to achieve even 5 per cent blending countrywide. Owing to
1.   conflicting views among the Ministries of Chemicals and Fertilizers, Agriculture, and Petroleum and Natural Gas,
2.   the reluctance of some State governments to require sugar units to make available adequate quantities of ethanol for the fuel industry because more lucrative options offered by the liquor industry for production of industrial and portable alcohol.
3.   the lack of competent processing technologies has made cost of production of ethanol comparatively higher.
4.   failure to set ethanol pricing formula for ethanol. The sugar industry and ethanol manufacturers have been supplying ethanol. For the past 18 months at a provisional price of Rs 27 a litre, though their alternative products from molasses are fetching Rs 34-35 a litre.

The pricing of ethanol is complicated by the decontrol of petrol prices and administered pricing of sugarcane. Given the cyclical nature of sugarcane, a periodic review of ethanol prices becomes critical. The core issue is the controversy over the price at which oil companies will procure ethanol from sugar firms. Since ethanol-blended petrol and fossil fuel-based petrol are likely to be priced the same at the retail end, blending at the ethanol price of Rs 27 per litre will result in losses for oil marketing companies.

Import of ethanol complicates the pricing issue further. Brazil has been the single-largest source for Indian ethanol imports over the years. A comparison of the delivered cost of imported ethanol from Brazil and domestic ethanol shows that in recent months, the cost of imports was higher.

To make sure that sectoral shortages are kept to the minimum, sufficient investments in ethanol storage facilities and R&D should be encouraged. Other sources of ethanol like jatropha, seaweed, cellulose waste from agro-forestry should be explored.  Plantation of bio-diesel producing plants on waste /degraded / marginal lands should be considered.

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Sebi makes it simpler for promoters to dilute stake; announces new share auction mechanism

  • Sebi, has made it easier for promoters of listed companies to dilute their stake and comply with public holding rules by next year.
  • Private sector companies as well as state-owned corporations must have a minimum public holding of 25% by August 2013. Till now, this could have been achieved through follow-on public offerings and institutional placement of stocks.
  • A simpler share auction mechanism that would help listed companies to attract investors.
  • The regulator also said it would set up a committee to scrutinise the qualified audit reports of listed companies and cases where accounting irregularities were pointed out by the Financial Reporting Review Board of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI).
  • Also It would be mandatory for top 500 listed companies to provide electronic voting, or e-voting, facility for shareholders to participate in key business resolutions.
    E-voting will enable greater participation from public shareholders and more importantly create an audit trail of the voting participation.

ET in the classroom: Why rupee depreciation is not so bad

ET in the classroom: Why rupee depreciation is not so bad

However the depreciation of rupee is still continuing due to global factors and stabilisation is yet to take place

Jairam writes to Sonia and Rahul, suggests ways to fix economy - Indian Express

Jairam writes to Sonia and Rahul, suggests ways to fix economy - Indian Express

Trying to prove his candidature for being next FM... 

Not like Arizona - Indian Express

Not like Arizona - Indian Express

Unesco’s Convention on the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage

  It's an international treaty aimed at saving the underwater cultural heritage. 
  States Parties to the Convention pledge to preserve underwater cultural heritage for the benefit of humanity, and take action. 
  Furthermore underwater cultural heritage will be protected from being commercially exploited for trade or speculation.
  In-situ preservation
  Training and information sharing
   It was recently in news because, the legendary Titanic’s wreckage, which has remained at the bottom of the North Atlantic for 100 years, will now come under its protection.


  The Government of India has decided to set up an Investment Tracking System to ensure speedy implementation of major investment projects in the country.
  A format has been developed for monitoring such projects in the private sector and under Public Private Partnership (PPP) and is available at the department's website
  Promoters of the projects, where the proposed investment is Rs 1,000 crore and above, are requested to provide details of their projects along with reasons behind delay.
  This information may also be updated on a monthly basis. The department is separately working on developing a web-based system for the monitoring of such projects which will enable the stakeholders in updating the status on a regular basis. 
  Large projects in the country are being delayed due to various reasons including land issues, fuel supply shortage and environmental clearances. 
  The country's poor infrastructure, which is seen as a major bottleneck for economic growth, requires an estimated investment of a whopping $ 1 trillion in the 12th Plan (2012-17). Of this, 50 per cent is expected to come from the private sector. 

Monday, 25 June 2012

Few Good articles

BBC News - Why India's identity scheme is groundbreaking - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-india-18156858
Fall In Growth: INDIA’S OWN MAKING… - http://www.sarkaritel.com/fall-in-growth-indias-own-making
New Department of Disability Affairs Created under the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment - http://pib.nic.in/newsite/erelease.aspx?relid=84730
From policy paralysis to policy paroxysm - http://www.southasiaanalysis.org/papers50/paper4959.html
India’s Outreach To Myanmar: BETTER LATE THAN NEVER!.. - http://www.sarkaritel.com/indias-outreach-to-myanmar-better-late-than-never
Nanotechnology breakthrough could dramatically improve medical tests - http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/05/120531165752.htm
10 reasons why global stocks have plunged - http://www.ndtv.com/article/view/profit/305454?device=mobile
Biotechnology Ignition Grant (Big) Scheme - http://pib.nic.in/newsite/erelease.aspx?relid=84628

The Hindu : Sci-Tech / Technology : Europe to build world s biggest telescope

The Hindu : States / Karnataka : GIS tools are not just for geeks

The Hindu : States / Karnataka : GIS tools are not just for geeks

The Hindu : Sci-Tech / Technology : The anatomy of a DDoS attack


  • Data on the Web can be imagined as a train of discrete packets with transaction details stamped on each of them — source, destination, nature of information and data payload.
  • Firewalls can be software programs or hardware network equipment, performing packet filtering to increase security, screen web traffic and, in extreme cases, censoring information.
  • Filtering a specific type of traffic can be accomplished by writing rules to either drop/accept/forward packets from communication ports. 
  • Communication ports can be perceived as numbered, dedicated lanes in the Internet for carrying traffic of designated type.
  • Web traffic, which is primarily HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol)-based, is carried on port 80 from the web server, HTTPS (the secure variant) runs on port 443. Likewise, File Transfer Protocol (FTP) transacts data on port 21 and other services.
  • Software firewalls, which are capable of basic packet filtering, are inherent to most operating systems, to help users keep their computers safe.
  • Hardware firewalls are dedicated network equipment capable of performing basic switching and routing of data packets. The equipment performs filtering of packets at a local area network (LAN) level, where hundreds of computers may be connected.
  • The Great Firewall of China, the metaphor for Internet censorship in China, is implemented not by a single device but a whole network of complex firewall mechanisms

Google launches project to save endangered languages

Google launches project to save endangered languages

The languages on the website are listed under four categories: at risk, endangered, severely endangered, and vitality unknown. Losing a language threatens the loss of cultural heritage and identity, and talk about how different communities express themselves and their medicinal and scientific knowledge of the world.

Koro (Aka), a language spoken by no more than 1,000 people in the northeast mountains of India, is an example of one of the languages listed as threatened.


  • Synthetic biology is a new area of biological research and technology that combines science and engineering. It encompasses a variety of different approaches, methodologies, and disciplines with a variety of definitions.
  • The common goal is the design and construction of new biological functions and systems not found in nature.
  • Examples- inserting man-made DNA into a living cell, DNA sequencing, fabrication of genes (creating artificial cell).
DNA sequencing
  • DNA sequencing is determining the order of the nucleotide bases in a molecule of DNA. Synthetic biologists make use of DNA sequencing in their work in several ways.
  • First, large-scale genome sequencing efforts continue to provide a wealth of information on naturally occurring organisms. This information provides a rich substrate from which synthetic biologists can construct parts and devices.
  • Second, synthetic biologists use sequencing to verify that they fabricated their engineered system as intended.
  • Third, fast, cheap and reliable sequencing can also facilitate rapid detection and identification of synthetic systems and organisms

Sunday, 24 June 2012

Euclid Telescope

Europe has given the final go-ahead to a space mission to investigate the "dark universe".

The Euclid telescope will look deep into the cosmos for clues to the nature of dark matter and dark energy.

These phenomena dominate the Universe, and yet scientists concede they know virtually nothing about them.

European Space Agency (Esa) member states made their decision at a meeting in Paris. Euclid should be ready for launch in 2020.

Wireless medicine

  • Technological developments of wireless devices and systems enable diagnoses to be made more rapidly and at the point of care. They also allow physicians and healthcare providers to connect remotely with patients and caregivers.
  • The value of applying wireless technology to healthcare has become readily apparent. Wireless medical innovations are being introduced at a fairly rapid pace, and wireless medicine will play an increasingly greater role in helping to contain spiraling healthcare costs. Telemedicine, e-health, m-health (using mobile devices), and other aspects of wireless medicine are becoming state-of-the-art elements for the most effective patient care.
  • Telemedicine is a rapidly developing application of clinical medicine where medical information is transferred through interactive audiovisual media for the purpose of consulting, and sometimes remote medical procedures or examinations.
  • mHealth includes the use of mobile devices in collecting aggregate and patient level health data, providing healthcare information to practitioners, researchers, and patients, real-time monitoring of patient vitals, and direct provision of care (via mobile telemedicine).
  • eHealth (also written e-health) is a relatively recent term for healthcare practice which is supported by electronic processes and communication.
  • Telehealth is the delivery of health-related services and information via telecommunications technologies. Telehealth delivery could be as simple as two health professionals discussing a case over the telephone, or as sophisticated as using videoconferencing between providers at facilities in two countries, or even as complex as robotic technology.

Working of Tsunami warning system

EARTHQUAKE from timescontent

Indian missile defence system from timescontent

Second "Heart of Asia" Meet

Second "Heart of Asia" conference aims at strengthening regional cooperation in fighting terrorism and implementing commitment made at the Istanbul summit held in Kabul.

With NATO’s combat mission ending in 2014, the region’s countries are being called on to help stabilize Afghanistan by joining forces to resolve regional problems such as extremism, drug-trafficking, poor coordination on economic issues and, most importantly, terrorism.

The Body’s Microbial garden - Indian Express

The Body’s Microbial garden - Indian Express

Medical Ecology is an emerging science that defines those aspects of the environment that have a direct bearing on human health. The concept of ecosystem functions and services helps to describe global processes that contribute to our well-being, helping to cleanse the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat.

Benami Bill from ET

Clean India Project

  • Clean India Project with the twin objectives of attracting more visitors and providing a hygienic environment in around tourist destinations across the country is launching on the pilot basis by Ministry of Tourism in New Delhi.
  • In the first phase of the campaign, 36 such monuments have been identified by the Ministry of Tourism and Archaeological Survey of India (ASI).
  • Under the Clean India Pilot Project, all issues regarding the heritage site are taken care of including providing drinking water facilities, renovation of toilets, proper signages in and around the premises, placing of garbage bins, maintenance of parking lots, conversion of site into friendly zone for physically challenged persons, various repair/replacement work, 24 X 7 management and garbage clearance, tourist help desks and deployment of volunteers for better management amongst others.
  • Project is launching in Qutub Minar Complex. 
  • India Tourism Development Corporation (ITDC), the public sector undertaking under the ministry, has been entrusted with the partnership of the pilot project of the prestigious campaign at Qutab Minar.

First Rimes Ministerial Conference held in New Delhi

  •  Regional Integrated Multi-Hazard Early Warning System (RIMES) came in to existence to establish a tsunami early warning system in a multi-hazard framework for Southeast Asia and the Indian Ocean.
  • It is an international and intergovernmental institution owned by the member countries.
  • ,It consists of Afghanistan, Armenia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, Comoros, India, Kenya, Lao PDR, Maldives, Mauritius, Mongolia, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Seychelles, Sri Lanka, Tanzania and Uzbekistan.

    The objective of the meet was to build and sustain RIMES institutional and core operational activities through voluntary country contributions and mobilize financial support for implementation of the targeted activities of the RIMES Master Plan.
    India is working in collaboration with RIMES for its institutional development and providing resources for RIMES to meet the needs and demands of Member States.
    India expressed its desire to share its expertise to RIMES Member Countries in the following areas:

    • Expertise of India in building agro-meteorological advisory services to minimize the impact of adverse weather conditions on food production.

    Fishing zone advisory system for the benefit of the coastal fishermen about fish abundance locations along with local weather conditions and sea state.

    • The totally indigenous and environmental friendly Low Temperature Thermal Desalination (LTTD) technology for conversion of sea water into potable safe drinking water.

    • Various satellite based multi-sensor payload based products over the data sparse regions of Indian Ocean, Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal for enhancing the quality of meteorological and oceanic services rendered to various sectors of the economy.

    • Providing satellite derived products for real time monitoring of adverse weather conditions.